Precious Coffee sells coffee in Victoria Park/Barrambin from a cargo bike, and it wouldn’t be there if Coffee Commune hadn’t opened the right doors.
‘I thought I had a great idea, to sell coffee from a specially fitted bike that I could ride into a park, set up and brew quality coffee for an appreciative clientele. Possibly the greenest coffee shop on the planet. But I also knew what I didn’t know; I loved good coffee, but I didn’t know how to make it great every time.
I met Phillip Di Bella at the launch of Coffee Commune. He and the team were so generous with their advice and support. Phillip looked over my early plans and gave great advice, when Rai discovered I was using a lever machine he was so excited and perfected exactly the right bean to be highlighted by the machine. Nick then helped me stet up the perfect systems so we can now pump out coffee and the busiest events with precision, and Christian has been a constant sounding board and supported.
Staring a new business is full of challenges but the support and warmth I’ve had from the whole team at The Coffee Commune means whenever I need guidance or have a problem to solve I know they will have my back.’
Ruth Griffin