Working Holiday Visa Changes 2024

From 1 January 2024 there have been some holiday visa exemptions, specifically for Hospitality and Tourism businesses anywhere in Australia. This is something the Coffee Commune has been advocating since this bad policy decision was made.

This is welcomed news for cafes and restaurants across Australia and relieves some of the pressure being experienced by cafes and restaurants resulting from government visa decisions regarding international holiday workers and students.

The Coffee Commune continues to advocate for changes to student visa working entitlements to again provide further relief for the industry.

The two visas’ individuals use to work and holiday in Australia are the subclass 417 and subclass 462 visas. These visas have a condition that limits work for any one employer for more than 6 months.

From 1 January, there are being exemptions introduced to condition 8547 that now allows you to employ overseas workers beyond 6 months.

The recent exemptions are a first step to help hospitality businesses in Australia.

Further changes are in the pipeline as part of the Government’s new Migration Strategy reforms that are currently being worked on. We expect a thorough revision of working holiday visas to be implemented at some point in the future, which will hopefully support cafes and restaurants throughout Australia.

We will continue advocating for our Industry and keep you updated on any further changes as they occur.



Being partnered with the Coffee Commune was a logical extension of our business. It is a great opportunity to showcase our equipment range, however, we also see the immense value to the industry of being part of the Coffee Commune’s exceptional training facilities
Fabio Cordovado Director CWE
Labour laws are more and more complex and hard to understand; Through our membership with Coffee Commune, we have constant access to a HR/IR hotline. Quick and Easy.
Phil Johnson Founder and owner Chef
Ecco Bistro
Coffee Commune’s advice, support, and network, helped reduce the red tape, gave us direction, and saved us valuable time.
Sarah Buiso Restaurant Owner of Da Buiso
…if our clients grow, we grow. The Coffee Commune has been invaluable in helping us spread that message.
Vince Monardo Naked Syrups
We are passionate about collaborating with the coffee community to make a real difference for business owners. We look forward to continuing to work with The Coffee Commune.
Matt Allington Partner, Business Services
BDO (Australia)
…we’re passionate about helping businesses identify the things they can be doing to maximise performance.
Alessandro Calabrisello General Manager
Sanremo Coffee Machines Australia